Know Your Risks and Improve Your Service.
I will come and assess your service, just like a 'spot check' only better.
We can all agree that you never really know what’s going on in educators homes, it’s the reality of family day care.
I’m sure you have many systems and processes in place to monitor educators, but therein lies the problem. Many providers feel burnt out and overwhelmed by simply ‘managing systems’.
As an expert governance and leadership adviser, Jodie has the strategies to assess your service’s processes and improve your educators practices along the way.
I will identify your current rating and develop an improvement plan based on your service’s needs and strengths.
Imagine the Regulatory Authority came for a spot visit and left you with a Quality Improvement Plan tailored to your service? Now wouldn’t that be useful.
Are you;
– Using the right approach, strategy or training for your cohort of educators?
– Identifying and addressing your service’s barriers to improvement?
– Implementing the right leadership skills to improve?
– Committed to improving your Rating?
– Ready to have a quality improvement plan done for you?
A quality improvement plan that will:
- Meet the requirements of the Education and Care National Law and Regulations
- Build a strong, capable, competent leadership team, improving your governance and leadership
- Improve your Service’s reputation.
- Grow your business.
What People Say
I have put together a range of videos for you to use in your educator meetings or to share with individual educators.
These videos are designed to be used in conjunction with JPS Survival Guide for Educators, and will see educators develop their own quality improvement plan for their home.
Each of the videos relates directly to education and care service delivery and are aimed at ensuring everyone is operating at a minimum of ‘Meeting‘ the National Quality Standard.