To operate a family day care service (scheme) in Australia you need the ability to apply the education and care and  family assistance legislation to the initial assessment and ongoing to be determined as, and to remain, ‘fit and proper’ (capable of Meeting the NQS). 

So whether you are applying for new approvals, wanting to improve your rating in Quality Area 7 or seeking to advance your career, this course is for you. 

Governance and Leadership (QA7) in Family Day Care

 Governance and Leadership in family day care has been identified as one of the primary factors in services not achieving ‘Meeting’ under the Education and Care Rating system. 

With family day care becoming a more sought after childcare option for families, the focus for improvement of service delivery is higher now that it has been in previous years, with Governance and Leadership, the ‘key’ to a quality, compliant, viable education and care business. 

By proving to the regulatory authority you know, understand and can apply the legislative framework to any scenario you may be asked or encounter, whether during an interview or assessment with the regulatory authority of simply part of your everyday work, governance and leadership is ‘make or break’ so to speak. 

Applying to become an approved provider

There are three applications in total you will need to pass in order to become an approved service offering Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 

1. You will be required to submit the Approved Provider application, including your professional resume, and attend a written test (interview) with the state regulatory authority. 

You will need to be successful in this approval in order to be eligible to lodge your future two applications. 

2. Submit all of the required policies and procedures for the operation of your proposed service for your Service Approval.  

3. Submit a fully developed business plan, policies and procedures and a range of required credentials to be approved to administer the Child Care Subsidy. 

I already operate a family day care service. How can this help me? 

Governance and leadership in family day care has been identified as a top priority for family day care, which still remains at 75% rated as ‘Working Toward’ the National Standard, particularly in Quality Area 7.
If Quality Area 7 is strong and robust, the rest will follow. It really is that simple.

I am a coordinator in a family day care service, how can this help me? 

 With the expectation placed on family day care service providers to improve standards, ALL education and care services should be, at a minimum, ‘Meeting’ the National Standard.

For a service to remain at Working Towards after two rating and assessments, I would suggest requires stronger leadership.

This expectation on the sector opens opportunities for professional coordinators that want to make a difference in family day care. Have you noticed there are now many coordinator positions for family day care advertised on professional recruitment databases? this is the indication of the need for leaders in the family day care sector.

The foundation of any leader is to understand governance, it is vital to leadership and management roles.

About the course…

“I never understood governance until now, and I’ve been in management for 5 years” O. Abou-eid. Coordinator. Victoria. 

The course is designed to build your knowledge of governance with a sequenced series of videos, worksheets, templates and resources for you, based on my proven strategies. 

With 98% of my clients being successful in their state applications and or quality improvement strategies, I knew it was time to capture my skills and services improving their rating based on my proven strategies, I knew it was time to share my skills and knowledge with others in an effort to support the quality and reputation of the family day care sector.


Participants will: 

– Be prepared for the Approved Provider and Service Approval Assessments with the State Regulatory Authority.
– Nominated Supervisors will be able to identify gaps or opportunities for improvement in governance arrangements and train and recruit accordingly. 
– Coordinators and Managers will have a sound understanding of applying (and measuring) compliance in a family day care residence, be able better monitor and mentor educators.
Every participant, at completion of the course, receives a certificate to add to their professional development profile which links directly to Quality Area 7 Governance and Leadership.
JPS Advisers is a recognised expert by the Department of Education to deliver this topic. 

We cover the following topics in relation to education and care services… 

  • Business Entity Types and Legal Obligations 
  • Positioning Your Business in a Competitive Market 
  • Applying the Education and Care Regulations Under Pressure 
  • ​The Preparation for This and Proceeding Applications 
The JPS Online Family Day Care Educator Course includes:
  • Access to the resources to prepare for the assessment including practice questions 
  • Tips to avoid common mistakes and prepare for success 
  • ​Additional business and education and care resources to strengthen your application 
  • ​Support from me whenever you need it …


This online course is designed to give you a sound understanding of Governance and how governance affects the operation of education and care services and is designed for: 

– Applicants  preparing to become Approved Provider 
– Nominated Supervisor’s and service managers 
– Coordinators
With too many family day care services  still at working towards many family day care services rated as working towards in this quality area, it’s the perfect professional development for anyone in a leadership team.
As a recognised education and care expert I have put my  knowledge This course will cover what you need to know and how to prepare with handy tips and advice from me, a recognised governance expert in education and care services to get through the assessment and also build your governance skills. Clients I work with individually pay up to $1000 for me to assist with this approval process and I charge services $500 to deliver this information to leadership teams. 
*NOTE: if you are considering purchasing an established family day care business you will need to already hold the approvals to operate under the both the state and federal requirements as only Service Approvals are transferable.   
If you need to clarity your particular circumstances, book an online consultation with me here Jodie’s calendar