The JPS Policies and Procedures Manual for Family Day Care Services


The JPS Policy and Procedures Manual is designed for Family Day Care Service’s whether for a Service Approval Application, or for an already operating Service wanting to update or improve practice. 

One of the most important aspects of policy development is ensuring the law, regulations, quality standards and child safe standards are linked to the procedures to implement, drive and measure best practice.

The JPS Policy Manual comes with the required prescribed forms including an:

  • Enrolment Form
  • Code of Conduct Agreement
  • Risk Management Plans for Regular Outing and Excursions 
  • Educator Register 
  • Staffing Record 
  • Educator Induction
  • Incident Reporting

plus, so much more.

Policies and procedures are the ‘tool’ to communicate the legislation and standards along with your expectations of staff, educators and families to ensure the operation of a compliant service. 

With the JPS Policy Manual there is no need for subscription fees, I will ensure you know how to keep policies current and update, let me tell you how.

The manual contains over 30 policies to ensure you: 

  • Remain compliant
  • Have appropriate delegation of authority, decision making and reporting processes  
  • Establish and maintain monitoring, mentoring and networking to avoid fraud and embed best practice 
  • Develop and implement annual training and staff appraisal systems
  • Implement ongoing improvement strategies 
  • Recruit and induct competent educators 
  • Orientate and engage families in compliance
  • Conduct investigative, counselling, disciplinary, meetings
  • Have sound reporting and documentation practices.  

plus, so much more.

Policies and Procedures are the cornerstone to a quality, compliant service which you won’t need to commit to any ongoing subscription fees, let me tell you how.

Creating policies is an overwhelming and time-consuming task, with my first manual taking over 12 months to develop.   

The JPS Policies and Procedures Manual incorporates the Education and Care National Law and Regulations in accordance with Regulations r. 168 and r.169, the Child Care Provider Handbook – including the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) and The Child Safe Standards and The Child Safe Standards.

The JPS Policy manual is the key to Service Approval and Quality Service Delivery.